mechanisms download
Updated on 5/3/2018
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Instructions to use the skeletal and reduced mechanisms with
Chemkin II.
HyChem models for real fuels (JP8/A1,
Jet-A/A2, JP5/A3, GEVO ATJ/C1, C5, RP2-1, RP2-2, JP10):
HyChem models for jet and rocket fuels (link to Prof. Hai Wang's website at Stanford University).
A 19-species reduced mechanism, and a 30-species skeletal mechanism for methane-air based
on GRI-Mech 3.0 (Latest version)
Citation: T.F.
Lu and C.K. Law, "A criterion based on computational singular perturbation
for the identification of quasi steady state species: A reduced mechanism for
methane oxidation with NO chemistry," Combustion and Flame, Vol.154 No.4
pp.761-774, 2008.
A 13-species reduced mechanism and a 17-species skeletal mechanism for lean methane-air (flame speed only) based on GRI-Mech 1.2.
Citation: R. Sankaran, E.R. Hawkes,
J.H. Chen, T.F. Lu, C.K. Law, "Structure of a spatially developing
turbulent lean methane-air Bunsen flame," Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute 31 (2007) 1291-1298.
A 22-species reduced mechanism and a 32-species skeletal
mechanism and for ethylene-air, based on USC-Mech II. (Latest version)
Citation: Z.
Luo, C.S. Yoo, E.S. Richardson, J.H. Chen, C.K. Law, and T.F. Lu,
"Chemical explosive mode analysis for a turbulent lifted ethylene jet
flame in highly-heated coflow," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 159 No. 1, pp.
265-274, 2012.
A 19-species reduced mechanism for ethylene-air,
based on the Qin 2000 mechanism for C1-C3.
Lu and C.K. Law, "A Directed Relation Graph Method for Mechanism
Reduction," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol.30 No.1
pp.1333-1341, 2005.
Lignell, J.H. Chen, P.J. Smith, T.F. Lu, and C.K.
Law, "The effect of flame structure on soot formation and transport in
turbulent nonpremixed flames using direct numerical
simulation," Combustion and Flame, Vol.151 No.1-2 pp.2-28, 2007.
A 39-species reduced, a 44-species skeletal, and a detailed
mechanism for methane-ethylene mixture - air with NO enrichment, based on USC-Mech II and GRI-Mech 3.0 with updated prompt NO pathways
Citation: Z.
Luo, T.F. Lu, and J. Liu, "A Reduced Mechanism for Ethylene/Methane Mixtures with
Excessive NO Enrichment," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 158 No. 7 pp. 1245-1254,
A 28-species
reduced and a 40-species skeletal mechanism for HCCI of ethanol with NO
Zhang, E.R. Hawkes, S. Kook, Z. Luo, T.F. Lu, "Computational
investigations of the effects of thermal stratification in an ethanol-fuelled
HCCI engine," Fuel, submitted.
Bhagatwala, J.H. Chen, T.F. Lu, "Direct numerical simulations of HCCI/SACI with
ethanol," Combust. Flame, Vol. 161 No. 7 pp. 1826-1841, 2014.
A 30-species
reduced mechanism and a 39-species skeletal mechanism for DME-air, based on
[Zhao et al., Int. J. Chem. Kinetic.
40 (2008) 1-18].
A. Bhagatwala, Z. Luo, T.F. Lu, H. Shen, J.A. Sutton, J.H. Chen,
"Numerical and experimental investigation of turbulent DME jet
flames," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(2) 1157-1166, 2015.
n-heptane, iso-octane, PRF:
Skeletal and reduced models for
Toluene-PRF(TPRF)-ethanol blends as gasoline surrogates,
based on the
LLNL gasoline surrogate mechanism. (Latest version)
Y. Wu, P. Pal, S.
Som, T. Lu, "A skeletal chemical kinetic mechanism for gasoline and
gasoline/ethanol blend surrogates for engine CFD applications," The 10th
International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Chicago, 21-25 May 2017.
P. Pal, Y. Wu, T.F. Lu, S. Som, Y.C. See, A. Le Moine, "Multi-dimensional
CFD simulations of knocking combustion in a CFR engine," Journal of Energy
Resources Technology, DOI:10.1115/1.4040063, 140(10) 102205 2018.
A 116-species reduced mechanism and a 171-species skeletal
mechanism for PRF - air (suitable for HCCI conditions), based on the detailed
LLNL PRF mechanism (version 3). (Latest version)
Citation: M.B.
Luong, Z. Luo, T.F. Lu, S.H. Chung, C.S. Yoo, "Direct numerical simulations of
the ignition of lean primary reference fuel/air mixtures under HCCI condition,"
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 160 No. 10 pp. 2038-2047, 2013.
A 99-species reduced mechanism and a 143-species skeletal
mechanism (140 species after isomer lumping) for isooctane - air (suitable for
HCCI conditions), based on the detailed
LLNL iso-octane mechanism (version 3). (Latest
Citation: C.S.
Yoo, Z. Luo, T.F. Lu, H. Kim, J.H. Chen, "DNS study of the ignition of a
lean iso-octane/air mixture under HCCI and SACI conditions,"
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 34 No. 2 pp. 2985-2993, 2012.
A 58-species reduced mechanism (with chemical
stiffness), an 88-species skeletal mechanism, and a 188-species skeletal
mechanism for n-heptane - air (suitable for HCCI conditions), based on the detailed
LLNL n-heptane mechanism (version 2). (Latest version)
Citation: C.S.
Yoo, T.F. Lu, J.H. Chen, C.K. Law, "Direct numerical simulations of ignition of
a lean n-heptane/air mixture with temperature inhomogeneities at constant
volume: Parametric study," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 158 No. 9 pp.1727-1741,
A 52-species reduced mechanism and a 68-species skeletal mechanism for n-heptane - air
(equivalence ratio > 0.5), based on the detailed
LLNL n-heptane mechanism (version 2).
Citation: T.F.
Lu, C.K. Law, C.S. Yoo, and J.H. Chen, "Dynamic Stiffness Removal for Direct
Numerical Simulations," Combustion and Flame, Vol. 156 No. 8 pp.1542-1551,
A 188-species skeletal mechanism for n-heptane and a
233-species skeletal mechanism for iso-octane,
based on the
LLNL mechanisms (version 2).
Citation: T.F.
Lu and C.K. Law, "Linear-Time Reduction of Large Kinetic Mechanisms with
Directed Relation Graph: n-Heptane and iso-Octane,"
Combustion and Flame, Vol.144 No.1-2 pp.24-36, 2006.
A 54-species skeletal model for n-dodecane/air with tuned
semi-global NTC steps.
Citation: T. Yao,
Y. Pei, B.J. Zhong, S. Som, T.F. Lu, K.H. Luo, "A compact skeletal mechanism for
n-dodecane with optimized semi-global ! low-temperature chemistry for diesel
engine simulations," Fuel, 191 339-349, 2017.
A 24-species reduced mechanism and 31-species skeletal
mechanism for n-dodecane/air based on JetSurF 1.0
with lumped fuel cracking reactions for high-temperature applications only
(ignition at 1000K and above, extinction, flame speed etc),
without low-T chemistry.
Citation: A.
Vie, B. Franzelli, Y. Gao, T.F. Lu, H. Wang, M. Ihme, "Analysis of segregation and bifurcation in
turbulent spray flames: a 3D counterflow configuration," Proceedings of
the Combustion Institute, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(2)
1675-1683, 2015.
A 106-species skeletal mechanism for
n-dodecane-air (with NTC chemistry), based on the
LLNL mechanisms for 2-methyl alkanes.
Citation: Z.
Luo, S. Som, S.M. Sarathy, M. Plomer,
W.J. Pitz, D.E. Longman, T.F. Lu, "Development and Validation of an
n-Dodecane Skeletal Mechanism for Diesel Spray-Combustion Applications,"
Combustion and Theory Modeling, 18 (2) 187-203, 2014.
A 115-species skeletal mechanism for biodiesel
(methyl decanoate, methyl 9-decenoate and n-heptane)
- air with low temperature chemistry, based on the LLNL
mechanism with updated subcomponents for large alkanes, obtained by
utilizing error cancellation. (Latest version)
Citation: Z.
Luo, M. Plomer, T.F. Lu, S. Som, D.E. Longman, S.M.
Sarathy, W.J. Pitz, "A Reduced Mechanism for Biodiesel Surrogates for
Compression Ignition Engine Applications," Fuel, Vol. 99 pp. 143-153, 2012.
A 118-species skeletal mechanism for biodiesel
(methyl decanoate, methyl 9-decenoate and n-heptane) - air for high temperature
applications (T>1000K), based on the LLNL
Citation: Z.
Luo, T.F. Lu, M.J. Maciaszek, S. Som, and D.E.
Longman, "A Reduced Mechanism for High Temperature Oxidation of Biodiesel
Surrogates," Energy & Fuels, Vol. 24 No. 12 pp.6283-6293, 2010.
A 123-species skeletal mechanism
for biodiesel (methyl decanoate, methyl 9-decenoate and n-heptane) - air with
low temperature chemistry, based on the LLNL
Citation: Z.
Luo, M. Plomer, T.F. Lu, S. Som, and D.E. Longman, "A Reduced Mechanism for
Biodiesel Surrogates with Low Temperature Chemistry for Compression Ignition
Engine Application," Combustion Theory and Modeling, Vol. 16 No. 2 pp.369-385,